Using the content write interface

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Tue Aug 30 20:58:46 UTC 2016

On 30/08/16 15:39, Benjamin M Romer wrote:
> I'm experimenting with snaps and would like to use the content
> interface to share files with another snap. I couldn't find
> documentation for it, so I figured I'd ask.
> Since there's a "write:" option for the content interface, and the
> snap itself is read-only, it seemed likely that there is a way to
> expose files in $SNAP_DATA or $SNAP_COMMON so that the consuming snap
> could see and modify them. 

The content interface itself is very new, so I suspect the details are
still flexible based on this sort of feedback and experience. So thank
you for kick the tires :)

In general I would say it's unlikely that sharing the entire $SNAP_DATA
is desirable. I suspect that the interface is more aimed at:

 * common builds of shared libraries for large frameworks like ROS and
Qt and KDE
 * shared large data sets (for example texture files in a game system)


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