why autoconnect work differently?

Vasilisc vasilisc777 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 06:47:37 UTC 2016

I created snap package and install it into test virtual machine
sudo snap install --dangerous languagetool.snap

snapcraft.yaml have lines
     command: usr/bin/run.sh
     plugs: [network, network-bind, x11, home, unity7]

Why autoconnect work differently?

virtual machine with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Unity)

# LANG=C apt-cache policy snapd
   Installed: 2.17.1ubuntu1
   Candidate: 2.17.1ubuntu1
   Version table:
  *** 2.17.1ubuntu1 500
         500 http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main 
amd64 Packages
         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
      2.0.2 500
         500 http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages

# snap interfaces|grep lang
:home                    languagetool
:network                 languagetool
:network-bind            languagetool
:unity7                  languagetool
:x11                     languagetool


virtual machine with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Ubuntu Gnome or Kubuntu, ... )

# LANG=C apt-cache policy snapd
   Installed: 2.17.1ubuntu1
   Candidate: 2.17.1ubuntu1
   Version table:
  *** 2.17.1ubuntu1 500
         500 http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main 
amd64 Packages
         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
      2.0.2 500
         500 http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages

# snap interfaces|grep lang
-                        languagetool:home
-                        languagetool:network
-                        languagetool:network-bind
-                        languagetool:unity7
-                        languagetool:x11

Best regards,

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