Future of Launchpad and the Snap Store

Andrew Keech w.andrew.keech at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 08:05:09 UTC 2016

hey everyone, so wonderful to see the incredible progress all the time.

I've been whittling away at a snap for `gimp-edge` for a while, but feel 
it's been overdue to bring in the maintainer of the ppa where I 
currently get my builds from. Having been in touch with Thorsten now, 
he's got some unanswered questions about the possible future 
relationships or integrations between Launchpad and the Snap Store. 
Right now he wants to start a new ppa just for delivering the snap as a 
separate project from the traditional gimp-edge deb.

Are there any best practice ideas that exist? Is there some kind of plan 
for how the Store and Launchpad might work together, or if they'd exist 

thanks very much

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