snap interface (plugs) matching

Martin Winter mwinter at
Thu Jul 21 17:26:36 UTC 2016

I’m running into a weird issue here while trying to get the correct 
plugs added and they don’t seem to get detected/parsed correctly:

My snapcraft.yaml looks like this (extract for a simple process only):

	        command: bin/ospf6d-service
	        daemon: simple
	            - firewall-control
	            - network
	            - network-bind
	            - network-control
	            - network-observe

But when I run the program, I still get the following error:
(with scanlog quagga)

	= AppArmor =
	Time: Jul 21 10:13:38
	Log: apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="snap.quagga.ospf6d" 
pid=20622 comm="ospf6d" family="inet6" sock_type="raw" protocol=89 
requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create"
	* add one of 'firewall-control, network-control, network-observe' to 

Looking at the interfaces with the snap command, I see the following:

# snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
:camera              -
:cups-control        -
:firewall-control    -
:gsettings           -
:home                -
:locale-control      -
:log-observe         snappy-debug
:modem-manager       -
:mount-observe       -
:network             quagga
:network-bind        quagga
:network-control     -
:network-manager     -
:network-observe     -
:opengl              -
:optical-drive       -
:ppp                 -
:pulseaudio          -
:snapd-control       -
:system-observe      -
:timeserver-control  -
:timezone-control    -
:unity7              -
:x11                 -
-                    quagga:firewall-control
-                    quagga:network-control
-                    quagga:network-observe


Why is firewall-control / network-control / network-observe not 
correctly detected? It looks like it gets prefixed by “quagga:” and 
not assigned the correct Slot.

(This is Ubuntu 16.04, Snapcraft 2.12, snap 2.0.10)

- Martin

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