snapd crashes on fedora

Adam Kurkiewicz popantrop at
Sat Jul 23 22:30:10 UTC 2016

Hey guys, I've followed the instructions to install snapd on fedora 23:

The installation almost worked (I just had to replace a dash with a
hyphen. It's probably a good idea to remove it: it is between the
words "enable" and "now") and I've got a snapd installed on my system.

However, it would't even start because (as journalctl --unit=snapd told me):

Jul 23 18:45:24 jordan snapd[10645]: error: fatal: directory
"/var/lib/snapd" must be present

I had to go ahead and manually

sudo mkdir /var/lib/snapd

which at least allowed me to start the deamon.

I can three ways to fix it:

1) add my workaround to the official instructions
2) fix snapd to automatically create /var/lib/snapd or
3) fix zyga/ubuntucore on corp to include this directory (maybe put
some empty file there if one can't create empty directories with corp,
I don't know).

Let me know,


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