naming of our kernel and gadget snaps ...

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Jul 27 12:23:35 UTC 2016


we currently have lots of snaps called "canonical-$device" or
"canonical-$device-linux" (first one is gadget, second is kernel)

there is a desire of getting rid of the redundant canonical in there (it
is owned by the canonical user, that is shown prominently everywhere, so
there is no need to have it additionally in the package name) and still
be a bit descriptive of the content.

== Kernel ==

our current kernel snaps are largely created by simply using everything
the kernel meta package installs from the archive but will be extended
by mesa and GL libraries and potentially by hardware related udev rules.

since the majority of content comes from the linux meta packages i think
we should use these as top level names ... i.e. for the current amd64
kernel it would just be:

(with the version extracted from the meta .deb at snap creation time)

if there are additional pieces inside, they should extend the namespace:

for a generic amd64 kernel snap that ships the nvidia drivers alongside.
(as you might know, we cant ship all binary drivers in the same package
easily, as they can ship their own libGL/GLES which would cause

i think for the kernel that is relatively easy and sensible since our
official kernel snaps simply come from archive packages.

== Gadget ==

the more complicated bit where i'm seeking input and ideas from others
are the gadget snaps ... should they have "gadget" in their names,
should they just be the device name, etc ?

we used to have just "beaglebone" or "raspberry-pi" snaps in the store
in the past which was re-defined after some sprint to be "canonical-pi2"
or "canonical-pc". i was digging through various sprint notes but can
not find the reasoning for the rename. 
my best proposal would be to go back to the former and have
"dragonboard", "raspberry-pi2", "raspberry-pi3", "pc-i386", "pc-amd64"

does anyone have any better suggestions ?

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