Optional daemon

Aaron Ogle aaron.ogle at rocket.chat
Thu Oct 27 14:50:33 UTC 2016


With our Rocket.Chat snap, we're looking to be able to allow someone to run
an external mongodb instead of the built in one.  As well as we'd like to
add something like caddy / traefik etc to do ssl termination.  But its not
a daemon we would want enabled out of the box because of the effect on
existing users.

So basically looking for a way let the user of a snap enable or disable two
different daemons in our snap.

Is this possible using anything out of the box?  Or would I have to make
the command ran in the daemon look at an environment variable / file etc.
and determine if it should make the daemon just exit?

How have others handled this?  Or allowing users to customize snap


*Aaron Ogle* Core Developer

aaron.ogle at rocket.chat

@aaron.ogle <https://demo.rocket.chat/direct/aaron.ogle>

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