Currernt config hook implementation scales very badly

Didier Roche didrocks at
Wed Feb 1 13:54:51 UTC 2017

Le 01/02/2017 à 13:05, Gustavo Niemeyer a écrit :
> Yes, that's in the plans for configuration support already.  The idea
> is to extend snapctl with the ability to introspect exactly which
> settings have changed since the last successful run of the script, and
> perhaps which values it used to hold before.
> For the time being, I suggest not worrying much about that. Just go
> ahead and implement the semantics you want the user of the snap to
> experience. Inside the configure hook, check to see if the requested
> value is already in place and do nothing in that case. This makes the
> script idempotent, resilient because it ensures the desired state is
> indeed in place, and also cheap to execute in the common case.

If someone is interested, I have implemented this kind of idempotent
configure hook example. It can be found at
as part of the christmas snap demo.
It features:
- support key=value formatting
- ignoring, but not erasing unknown keys, comment lines, empty ones.
- preserving formatting and ordering, even when changing an existing key.
- only snap set arguments will be modified if a value is set. If the
value assigned to it is empty, removing the key line
- new elements not present in existing configuration file are simply

Supporting new keys (like here "foo") is just a matter of adding:
update_opt_in_config foo

at the end of the file.

I hope this helps! (note that the issue is still "what's the supported
keys for this snap?")

> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 8:31 AM, Oliver Grawert <ogra at
> <mailto:ogra at>> wrote:
>     hi,
>     after we recently added a config hook [1] to the core snap it is now
>     possible to disable ssh if you require [2] ...
>     there is a long standing request to do the same for syslog for systems
>     running from SD card, which is why i looked into trying to extend the
>     existing configure script for this, which made me notice some issue...
>     when you call "snap set core foo=bar", there is no indication at all
>     for the script which variable changes a value, neither in the shell
>     environment nor in the argument list.
>     the only way to get your value is to call snapctl for every existing
>     variable [3]. since you dont know what specific variable was requested
>     to change the only way to reliably write it is to write *all* existing
>     variables ... 
>     now, if you package something with a more complex config that you want
>     completely handled via snap config this gets ugly very fast... imagine
>     something like postfix with can potentially have 100s of config
>     options. instead of atomically changing a single option you will
>     regenerate the full config from scratch. this takes a lot longer,
>     bringing the risk of a completely broken config in case of a power
>     loss, beyond resulting an an awful config hook script with a large
>     block of "snapctl get" calls at the top.
>     can we extend the config hook implementation minimally so a "snap set
>     core foo=bar" would at least have something like "SNAP_OPTION=foo" in
>     the environment that the generating script or binary could read to
>     avoid the unnecessary processing or would that break some design
>     concept ?
>     ciao
>             oli
>     [1]
>     hooks/configure
>     <>
>     [2]
>     erence/
>     <>
>     [3]
>     <>
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