HOWTO: How to snap timg (text image viewer)

Simos Xenitellis simos.lists at
Tue Feb 28 23:05:19 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Here is a tutorial on how to snap "timg", an image viewer for your
terminal emulator (!?!),

It is another introductory tutorial that
1. describes an interesting utility (image view for text)
2. deals with a repository that does not have a typical Makefile, thus
it requires to use parameters of the "make" plugin.
3. talks about classic and strict confinement. Decides on "strict",
with plugs: [home].
4. the snap uses two additional libraries, and we make sure that the
relevant code is included in the snap.

I also show how to test the snap by installing it in a fresh ubuntu:x
LXD container.
(because the snap might have dynamically linked libraries that
happened to be already installed on my desktop).

Upon further thinking, I believe that I did not have to use a fresh
LXD container, because the "strict" confinement would preclude anyway
the snap from using any of my desktop's existing system libraries.
Isn't that indeed the case?


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