git clone and Launchpad build system

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Sat Mar 18 21:34:36 UTC 2017

On 18/03/17 22:11, Gregory Lutostanski wrote:
> Launchpad builders have an issue with git where they do not proxy that
> connection, only https. Here the issue is that that github repo has
> submodules specified with the git: url schema (and its doing a recursive
> checkout of the source).
> The bug is

Ah, cheers.  I'd looked through the bug list and seen that one, but not realized 
the submodules were using `git://` URLs until just before your email arrived.

> As a workaround you can change the submodules to https: rather than git:
> annoying indeed, that is what I had to go with personally. Dunno if anybody
> else has other ideas.

Yup.  It's a bit finnicky for me to do that given that the submodules are 
defined by my upstream (I can send them a patch, but it's a PITA to ask them to 
make a patch release just to deal with this issue).

I did look into just downloading a tarball of the source, but that has some 
issues of its own -- since the CMakeLists.txt of the project I'm building 
defines some rules for comparing the version number against the output of `git 
describe`, I run into some rather nasty issues where the git history compared to 
is that of the snap package itself (!).

I'll follow up with my upstream and see what I can do, anyway.  Thanks again for 
the help and advice!

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