Desktop snaps are not working in KDE

Simon Fels simon.fels at
Wed Mar 29 16:40:57 UTC 2017

Hey everyone,

we currently see bug reports (e.g. that certain
snaps are not working in KDE on openSUSE (42.2 / Tumbleweed). On the
same distribution, when I run the snaps within Gnome, everything works
as it should and the applications are starting up.

I didn't looked much into the details yet. keepassxc is one of the snaps
which fail to start:

simon at linux-82h5:~> keepassxc
No protocol specified
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0

As those snaps include Qt/GTK libraries from Ubuntu I can only guess
that there are some incompatibilities between KDE on openSUSE and the
libraries we ship. Also there is no wayland in the game. I verified both
Gnome and KDE are running under X11.

Anyone has a good idea what could be wrong here?


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