installing ubuntu

Robert Doucette robertdoucette1951 at
Tue May 15 16:24:06 UTC 2007

It is best to have a copy of the release version of 7.04.
You are looking at many hours of very slow downloading and then many more choosing the apps you want. Transferring at less than 56kb takes to long. if you choose to do the upgrade online, expect dl speeds to reach a crawl, ie 12 Bytes per second, sometime less, even with broadband and a high  speed connection.

----- Original Message ----
From: "ubunt2 at" <ubunt2 at>
To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community <ubuntu-ca at>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:40:13 AM
Subject: Re: installing ubuntu

I was actually thinking of perhaps installing Ubuntu 6.10 first onto
my computer then upgrading to 7.04. But tell me, what are the
disadvantages of doing so?

In my ignorance, I kind of like the thought of directly installing Ubuntu 7.04.


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