version #s: .04 beta while .10 is stable?

Alfred alfred.s at
Sat May 19 02:40:20 UTC 2007

Hi I think this list is incomplete:

My First Ubuntu Live CD and Install CD was Ubuntu 4.04 not 4.10 I still
have one or two of them. I was given one by the Internet Cafe here in my
little Rural Ontario Town. It is when I began to make use of Ubuntu,
instead of the then Mandrake.

When ever there was a x.04 upgrade, I found it did not work perfect, but
when the number got to x.10 it worked perfectly. My experience, I guess.
You make such a big deal of these things. Even in old Linux books, it
talks about Beta Versions, and numberings to reflect that. I've never
had much of any kind of problem with versions numbered x.10.

In the Bug List, for a time, there were many problems to work out with
the beta versions, but by the time they got to 6.10 or 7.10 all the bugs
seem no longer to be there. There were some very good Detectives out


On Fri, 2007-18-05 at 18:58 -0400, Sanjay Sodhi wrote:
> What is the current development version?
> The currently development version is called Gusty Gibbon, which will
> become Ubuntu 7.10. It is due to be released in October 2007.
> How does the numbering system work?
> The version number comes from the year and month of the release, it
> really is that simple. 
>       * The first release (Warty Warthog) was released in October
>         2004, release number 4.10. 
>       * The second release (Hoary Hedgehog) was released in April
>         2005, release number 5.04. 
>       * The third release (Breezy Badger) was released in October
>         2005, release number 5.10. 
>       * The fourth release (Dapper Drake) was released in June 2006,
>         release number 6.06 LTS 
>       * The fifth release (Edgy Eft) was released in October 2006,
>         release number 6.10.
>       * The sixth release (Feisty Fawn) was released in April 2007,
>         release number 7.04
> How I love FAQs...
> On 15/05/07, Bran Everseeking <bran.everseeking at> wrote:
>         On Tue, 15 May 2007 19:21:26 -0700
>         ubunt2 at wrote:
>         > This is the first time I heard that .04 versions of Ubuntu
>         is beta
>         > while .10 versions are stable.
>         releases are done on a 6 month schedule. 7.04 is 2007 april;
>         feisty
>         fawn release.
>         If its on time Gutsy gibbon will be 7.10
>         --
>         ubuntu-ca mailing list
>         ubuntu-ca at
> -- 
> Sanjay Sodhi
> kshcshbash formerly CNSW

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