LoCo team starting in Fredericton New Brunswick/Independent study of local colleges - Request for comments

Cody Somerville cody.somerville at gmail.com
Thu May 24 04:08:52 UTC 2007

Hi Richard,

 I live in Fredericton and I would be very much interested in joining your
LoCo team - I've had similar intentions for sometime now but never got
around to it. I'm also aware of several individuals in the local high
schools and universities who would be interested in joining as well.


Cody A.W. Somerville

P.S. I also have some Ubuntu posters, <g>

On 5/23/07, RIchard Seguin <ubuntu at nb.sympatico.ca> wrote:
> In the next few months I will be attempting to put together an Ubuntu
> team for Fredericton New Brunswick.  I would be interested to know how
> other local groups around the country got started and what was done to
> promote our wonderful distribution.
> At the same time I am doing an independent evaluation of our local
> college here in Fredericton "CompuCollege".  I have just started a year
> and a half long course and I am interested to see how the current
> technology is being taught and if there is any mixture of
> linux/unix/solaris in with the Windows environment... Windows and Linux
> can actually make for a pretty good network if setup correctly, I just
> don't know if there is any institution in Canada that actually teaches
> how they can interconnect.  After each module I complete at the school I
> will give a little summary on what the linux community should know about
> courses like these.   This end report will not give any indication on
> the local institution, it will be a report on how the overall outlook is
> for people going through school now.   Essentially....  we need trained
> professionals... Who is providing the training?
> I encourage any comments on the new proposed group and my study...
> Richrad Seguin
> --
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