[ubuntu-cl] Fwd: Spanish Speaking LoCo's and FLISOL
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
mhz en ubuntu.com
Mie Abr 2 13:19:11 BST 2008
En un par de paises, algunos LoCo's estan organizando cosas para la
FLISOL. Efrain, de Venezuela tiene la idea de reunirse entre los
distintos LoCo's hispanoparlantes y ver como unir fuerzas.
Aca la info:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Efrain Valles <efrain en ubuntu.org.ve>
Date: Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 7:16 AM
Subject: Spanish Speaking LoCo's and FLISOL
To: loco-contacts en lists.ubuntu.com
Dear all,
I am helping organize el Festival Latinoamericano de instalación de
software libre in my city. The Ubuntu-ve team has gotten polo shirts
made, flyers ready. Talks on Hardy (It is two days after the hardy
release). Thanks to previous sharing, The Colombian LoCo suggested
getting a hardy mirror and we are currently working on it.
My question is, Could all the Spanish Speaking LoCo's join forces and
and share some ideas on the subject.
Could we have a meeting to brainsotrm some more ideas on shared
loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts en lists.ubuntu.com
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
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