Cannot build kernel snap

MikeB mabnhdev at
Mon Sep 12 14:10:26 UTC 2016

This was buried in another thread, but I wanted to give it its own thread
since this has me blocked.

As of late last week, I've been unable to build a kernel snap.

I'm using the latest snapcraft and snapd (2.16 and 2.14.2~16.04

I do define an x-kernel plugin which derives from he kernel plugin.  My
x-kernel applies patches after the super().pull() and pauses the process
after the super().build() so that I can inject some custom drivers into
/lib/modules/...  so I don't suspect my x-kernel is the culprit.

When snapcraft tries tries to download ubuntu-core, I get the following

Any thoughts on how to get around this failure?

Regards, Mike

mberger at bldecos-1:/builds2/mberger/superbee/snappy-ecos$ snapcraft clean &&
"grade" property not specified: defaulting to "stable"
Searching for local plugin for x-kernel
Skipping cleaning priming area for kernel (already clean)
Skipping cleaning staging area for kernel (already clean)
Skipping cleaning build for kernel (already clean)
Skipping cleaning pulled source for kernel (already clean)
"grade" property not specified: defaulting to "stable"
Searching for local plugin for x-kernel
Preparing to pull kernel
Pulling kernel
Cloning into '/builds2/mberger/superbee/snappy-ecos/parts/kernel/src'...
remote: Counting objects: 56837, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53459/53459), done.
remote: Total 56837 (delta 5175), reused 20474 (delta 2542)
Receiving objects: 100% (56837/56837), 157.59 MiB | 4.72 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5175/5175), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (53696/53696), done.
Getting details for ubuntu-core
Downloading ubuntu-core
401 Client Error: UNAUTHORIZED for url:
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