New snapd 2.12 release in 16.04 & new core snap

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Thu Aug 25 08:04:22 UTC 2016


the snappy team is happy to announce that the snapd 2.12 release is
released into Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial-updates) and Fedora 24
(COPR). Other distribution will follow soon.

We also did a new release of the "core" snap that contains this
version of snapd.  Snapd will automatically refresh you to the latest
core snap.

Some highlights:
- new interfaces:
  + gpio
  + browser-support
  + bluetooth-control
  + system-trace
  + process-control
- image related improvements/fixes
- many bugs fixed
- many spread integration tests added

I hope you enjoy the new release! If there are any questions or if you
notice any issues, please let us know.

 Michael (on behalf of the snapd team)

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