Package too old for cleanbuild

Alan Pope alan.pope at
Thu Feb 9 20:02:05 UTC 2017

Hi Kyle (and Sergio!)

On 9 February 2017 at 18:45, Kyle Fazzari <kyle.fazzari at> wrote:
> If you find yourself using cleanbuild a lot (it makes a new ephemeral
> container, builds, then destroys the container), you might find some
> workflow improvements by simply developing the snap in a container. You
> can even bind-mount the source from the host, if you want. This is the
> workflow I use personally. It allows for one to fully customize the apt
> sources while also utilizing Snapcraft's built-in stage package cache*,
> and it doesn't clutter the development environment on the host.
> * In snapcraft 2.27, coming early next week

You guys! I love reading these teases of what's coming in the next
snapcraft. Your fast iterating and understanding of user requirements
is making snapcraft a real pleasurable tool to use on a daily basis.
Thank you!

Alan Pope
Community Manager

Canonical - Ubuntu Engineering and Services
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at

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